Monday, May 15, 2017

Home of the Brave

When in the course of human event, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them. We hold this truth to be self-evident that all men are created equal.

These are the words of our Declaration of Independence, a conservative document packed with wild fire and sustained for over two hundred years by the humble edict, that all men are created equal. It is a piece of righteousness signed by representatives of the thirteen United States. This is our sacred scroll, that survived days of prosperity and hardship, days of turmoil and persisting pain, days when as a nation all hope was lost, days of recession and depression, when harsh famine overcame the people and a pandemic threatened the soul of our country. It was a light that formed an infant republic, and is the cloud of fire that shields the world’s sole super power.

As a nation we are assertive about our presence and our position on the global stage. We are assertive about our identity and values. As a nation we earnestly sacrifice our hearts and life, battling our enemies with sweat and blood, wrestling against enemies of our faith, so that everyday we wake to a morning in a country that is the land of the free.

Just seventy five years ago, we worked and proved that by strength and coordinated endeavor we can accomplish a common wealth for all classes across the fifty states. In the times of an avalanche of horror and wickedness, a move of darkness that threatened the peace and stability of our world, we proved that there can be a way to liberty, and responding with force in the name of good, we formed a coalition that stopped the spread of communism, we fought hatred across the Atlantic to the shores of Europe, we ended the second world war and rekindled the one timeless creed, ‘where there is life there is hope’.

We rebuilt the European Economic engine, coordinated efforts to set up the United Nations, strengthened the middle class, destroyed tyrannical leadership and let freedom reign. This is the story of the American people, a story of courage, a story of hope and a story of bravery.
Eight years ago we asserted that force when people of all color came together to elect our first black president. We came united under a single umbrella of hope, grace, renewed optimism and belief. We sought to redefine who we are as a nation, and prove once more to the rest of the age that all men are created equal.

In 2008 we proved that though slavery is our history, we have overcome and can trust any race with the future of our country. On that historic night the United States spoke and the world listened. The American people decided and the universe cheered. People of all races basked in unizm, from Jakarta to Kolkata, from Chicago to Toronto, from Boston to London, the voices of people eagerly cheered the election of our first black president. The world yearned and the American people listened, the electoral college voted and a new chapter opened. This was courage. This was a disruption of the political process. This was bravery, and many generations after, posterity will remember that night as the day America walked on water.

However, what has changed since we stained white with color?

We elected a celebrity for the world rather than a president for Americans, some might argue. He speaks movingly to the rest of the earth. His deployed charisma radiates so charmingly it invokes tears whenever it manifests. It ends there. We elected a president that would rather speak to hypnotize the people than act in favor of the union. Had he acted when he gave Al-Assad the ultimatum, will Aleppo be on the verge of a historic humanitarian crisis? He seemed to have either lost focus of what is expected, lacks the courage to confront common foes, or is just plain wicked to not deploy the combined doctrine of the United States armed forces.

Whatever he does, let him be reminded that it was our votes that took him to high office. The American people created the person that is the 44th, but for a moment we feel he has failed us. He rewired himself and turned his back on the ideals that is the American bloodline of conservatism. He has spent the last eight years pushing to new fronts what many Democrats before him dodged. These eight years has redefined humanity and caused a storm of unrighteousness to wreck havoc across the western world. The idea of the traditional marriage is almost dead and gone.

Certainly, it must be established how difficult it is to please all of the people all of the time. However, it does not grant the president the right to rock star celebrity status when the world crumbles before our eyes. For clarity, please note, the main reason Obama was elected to the oval office is to exert the full might of the American dynasty and not be some hip hop emissary, we have the press core, community of ambassadors and hip-hop circus for that. He was elected to fight for the American interest and not win it over some game of Mr. Charisma or Mr. Nice Guy. Don’t get me wrong, that has its day, but that day is not every day.

President Obama signed into law his signature health plan. Though it currently covers about twenty million Americans, its already been deserted by an increasing many. Price for plans is on the rice, insurance companies are considering pulling out of some other plans, the healthy population expected to fund the program aren’t turning up as expected, choosing rather to pay a fine for refusing, than to eat from the President’s table. Did Americans vote for a health crisis?

Republicans had their reservation. This bill rids people the right of choice, it disrupts the patient doctor relationship and fines them for exercising their rights. As conservatives we believe abortion and planned parenthood is unethical. We believe the LGBT and other related orientation outside the established orientation is a sin against nature and God. We had our concerns and members of congress who are of the Republican party wouldn’t see this go without raising a limb.

Why does this hyper low unemployment rate make many Americans feel unemployed? The trade deals this administration involved with, for some reason doesn’t feel American. Over the years we have lost jobs to Mexico and other transatlantic countries, including China. The Obama administration seem to be making more deals that don’t favor us, yet they ask for four more years?
Under his watch our homeland became a nation establishing sanctuary states for illegal immigrants. Citizens compete with aliens for food and shelter and ware fare and jobs. The government became everything the conspiracy theorists said it would be. It was weak on terror and wouldn’t strike it at its core. We weren’t compulsive in places like Syria. When the crisis degenerated into a humanitarian disaster, after our hurried and “irresponsible” pullout from Iraq and Afghanistan, this administration refused to quench the ISIS.

President Obama didn’t put boots on the ground or seek international coalition to end the Aleppo genocide. Instead he and the Democrats created a path to citizenship for Syrians. This would have them come into the United States with their religion in hand, suppress our rights to worship and display the cross of Calvary, embolden refugees to practice their faith unhindered while Christians carefully watch out for where to call God. Americans are slaves in their homeland. Something had to be done.

Contrary to what many thought, this election wasn’t about replacing a black president with a white president, after all, in this election there was no black candidate in the finals. This wasn’t a white lash either. Contrary to the media, this election was not about punishing a black president by electing his arch enemy, after all, there really wasn’t an arch friend in his name going to the ballot. Contrary to what the polls said, this election was not about discrediting or reversing the legacies of President Obama, after all, his signature health care is being used by over twenty million people, the license to abort is accepted by the vast majority of liberals, the LGBT and other movement that helped Hillary Clinton win the popular vote. This election wasn’t about him. It was about the survival of the soul of America.

The greatest nation on the face of the earth had soon become a laughing stock. In this administration alone, America suffered from extensive cyber attacks, with our enemies now knowing some of our classified strategic intelligence.
This election exposed the deep regret to an administration that seemed to do little or nothing to help the true American conservative movement. It seemed everything but us got a boost. Americans felt wounded, and beat down and marginalized. We want to be the greatest again. Americans want to be free again, and the only option on the table to accomplishing it is Trump.

The Democrats, wanting a replay of 2008, sort to ambush the conservative party. They sort to make this the year the United States will salute a Madam President. According to liberal media, she’d be perfect, she’d represent liberal beliefs, she’d set the world in motion to greater heights, and she’d keep the entire nation safe. They campaigned she’d protect minorities, as if any republican president banished any from the face of the earth. They campaigned she’d protect Muslims, as if any republican president arrested and tried individuals on the basis of religion. They campaigned she’d protect the LGBT community and she’ll fund abortion for any Tom, Dick and harry. No republican president will. Every Republican president has earnestly been about protecting conservative values and would do everything to reverse laws that aren’t.

In this election the American people had to decide whether to inspire the world by electing a woman president or be lashed for being racist, sexist and bigotry as we move to take back our country. Americans understood this and the outburst that will erupt the morning after. However, this election wasn’t about the leaks or revelations about what was said on a Hollywood bus. It was about the substance of the American soul. It wasn’t about reaping today but about our tomorrow, our next decade and our next century as Americans.

The liberals in alliance with some of the elitist spin machines fervently battled against Trump. Forces from within the conservative party engineered efforts to cripple the campaign of the Trump. We were out funded, outnumbered and out-endorsed. We were losing in almost every mock election and the polls were always there to tell us so. There was a petition asking him to step down, that the party should select another candidate, that even our savior didn’t think Trump will win and that leaving him in the ballot will imply handing an easy victory to the liberals.

The truths unearthed were played as pawns. Trump won every single condemnation available for pick. He was branded evil, a misogynist, unpatriotic, stupid and racist. He was painted devilish, ignorant, unethical, not a true representation of the conservative party, and in the words of president Obama, uniquely unqualified to be president. The American people heard, the American people understood, but still the American people knew what it wanted and wouldn’t be distracted.

Many thought that the Trump side didn’t need a victory party and that Trump should brace up for the concession morning. No. The American people insisted on a NO. We decide our story and how it ends. The American people shunned the prophecies and wrote their destiny in gold, in the scorch of the wilderness, under the eye of the sun. We walked away with nothing more to lose. We had braved the fire and confronted the storm. We set back, waiting for the outcome, and because we chose not to be intimidated, we can now say, President Trump.
The American people sought real change and wouldn’t trade the dream of a stronger, more prosperous America for a fairy-tale wedding that will only end some hours after the swearing in. Americans wanted more.

We sought to honor the men that died because of the lackadaisical attitude of the Clinton State Department and also sought to reverse the attacks that currently undermines the territorial integrity of our country. We wanted a government that will block those tunnels leading to America, and will drain the swump, build the wall, ensure a limited government and provide liberty and justice for us all.
We watched the nation become increasingly resistant to Christianity and conservative values, but increasingly open to Islam and accommodating to extremism in the name of political correctness. Heck, they wouldn’t even mention radical Islam, yet thousands lose their life as a result of the actions of these militia.

We braved the backlash and voted for a better deal, damn the consequences, after all, country comes first. To us the words to ‘Make America Great Again’ was more than a creed or an anthem, it was a mission to protect our country from the liberalism that was soon forcing our soul into extinction. It was a cry for the rekindling of our conservative values and the reestablishment of our conservative faith and its cross. We were willing to be bullied, to suffer the backlash and the blackmail. We were willing to be called names by this generation and the one to come, we were willing to loose it all today, so long as we make America great again.

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