Sunday, June 4, 2017

How to cope with a jealous boyfriend (Part 2)

In the last edition we dealt with how to cope with a jealous boyfriend. Read here. In that edition we established that a jealous boyfriend is dangerous to the health of a relationship, however we explained steps you can take to maintain that relationship if you absolutely want to keep the relationship moving. Here is the concluding part. Enjoy.

1.   Make him know your friends and have their contact

A jealous partner constantly responds to things he does not know or things he can’t see, things he don’t understand or things he plainly suspects to be working against him, the woman he loves and or his relationship. He is infuriated because of what he feels. When you go on an outing with someone he has not met, he gets angry and bitter. He reacts and at some point, when he meets you with any of these friends, he throws a shade at you, or the other guy, or unnecessarily gets angry at you, dragging you in the presence of a stranger (the other guy).

Sunday, May 28, 2017

How to cope with a jealous boyfriend (Part 1)

I have established over and over again that jealousy in a relationship is a huge danger to it. It is a signal to the fact that someone’s life is in danger, and most often than expected, the woman is the victim. We have in the last couple of days seen a sharp increase in the number of deaths recorded, gruesome killings of girls by jealous, insecure and naive men who think that if they can’t have a lady, no one else should, that if she can’t love him then she must not love anyone else. These are the men that litter the society; these are the men that slay, slaughter and burn beautiful and aspiring girls to ashes. I have campaigned earnestly that you by every and any means necessary avoid these men. However, if you must proceed with that relationship, probably because you have fallen deeply in love and you don’t want to let go, probably because you want this relationship to work or feel that you have gotten to your last bend, and that beyond him you stand no better chance of finding love. If this is you, please find my well detailed list of strategies that you can adapt to coping with a jealous boyfriend.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Beauty of jealousy

Love is a beautiful thing. When you find love, it’d be as though you've discovered a long lost better self, or extension of your very self. True love with the right person is as though you've discovered someone you’d rather die for than see fall ill or feel pain, someone you’d rather starve for than see go hungry. However when the relationship hits the road and the affections and feelings is less intense, and the truth about his characters begins to manifest, many might begin to feel like they are in the wrong ship or that this captain is slashing every iota of freedom they used to enjoy as a single person.

Home of the Brave

When in the course of human event, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them. We hold this truth to be self-evident that all men are created equal.

Donald Trump Will Take back America

The story of America is a story of truth and persistence, a story of a proud democratic legacy founded on the true definition of freedom, liberty and the conservative spirit of righteousness. As a nation we have sojourned long and hard through wilderness lands. We have refused to quit on the ideals that made us a nation, but through careful thinking and logical reasoning, through the strong and mighty arm of a great God, we worked long and hard in the scorching heat of the sun, and bled in the vast boarder-less fields of battle, even to the days of the signing of the declaration of independence and the days of the revolutionary war that will happen afterwards.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Signs this boyfriend will kill you

There has been a sharp increase in the number of girls killed by jealous partners, particularly jealous boyfriends. So many girls who should have had a very promising future, who should have gone on to become women of substance, attaining heights that should have lifted entire generations out of poverty; these have been slaughtered because of the selfish and insecure nature of a boyfriend. When you date a man who is so jealous he’d rather have you covered from head to toe, just because he can’t stand another man complimenting you, know for sure that you are a sheep taken to the slaughter, to be taken six feet underground, and wasted in your prime.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Leave your past behind you

Getting into a relationship, especially one you intend leading to marriage is like entering a new phase in your life, which requires preparation; else the ground breaking problems that eventually end in a divorce.

How To Let Go Of The Bricks Of Your Past Relationships

We have in the last issue analyzed why you must let your past relationship be in your past and not affect your present and future relationships. The question now is how to accomplish this. If this is you struggling to let go of the past in new love relationships, follow these steps.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Reveal Your secrets or break your relationship

The use of pronouns for both sexes was done on purpose, as this article addresses both male and female. Enjoy.

The greatest iceberg that can sink any relationship is the lack of trust. The instance a relationship lacks trust, it is at that instance the relationship begins to die. There’s no way the relationship can work. It is the lack of this that is responsible for the record high breakups many suffer; especially super-introverted people coming from troubling relationships where partners took advantage of the trust, selling her private information to the public eye, ridiculing the vulnerable victim and leaving pieces of her heart in the harsh rejection from prospects. Thus the many suicide reports, since a naive girl can’t stand that her nudes are in the public domain, or her sex tape in the hands of some porn company.

How to detect a jealous boyfriend..

If there is anything that can’t be excused from a relationship, it’s jealousy. Some might argue that the presence of trust in a love relationship makes jealousy an alien word. However the lack of jealousy in its entirety is a very big danger sign. In other words, a reasonable degree of jealousy is needed for a relationship to thrive; because it is a sign that your partner loves you and loves you exclusively. However, this does not remove the dangers of jealousy. Relationship with an above average jealous boyfriend is more threatening to not just the life of the partner, the love life of the partner and the health of the relationship, but also not a good foundation to lay for your family, in the event that you intend to let this love relationship lead to marital bliss. Having a jealous boyfriend can be a serious issue. How then can you know that your intending partner has the tendency of been a jealous boyfriend?

Sunday, May 7, 2017

How not to let your private life ruin your relationship.

If you are like me then you love the peace and quiet of your personal life and wouldn’t want anyone disturbing the balance. Some folks see the intrusion of their partner into certain aspects of their private life as an invasion; they hate the unnecessary drama. Some see this intrusion into their privacy as life threatening, a trigger or reminder of something they have both experienced and endured, whose scar they still see, and whose pain they still suffer. What can we do when we are in this situation; when it’s like you have fallen in love with your perfect partner but experience the pain from sharing self and personal space with someone you just met?

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Flashfiction: Corna - Chapter Eight

The Experience Lagos

The crowd had united in masterful worship. It was as though nothing was more important than the beautiful spiralling tongues of people's rendition of Nathaniel Bassey's Imela, as led by the Pastor Donnie McClurkin.
          He had shortly before instructed everyone in the arena to turn on the flash lights of their phones, pointing it towards the heavens. Everyone did.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Flashfiction: Corna - Chapter Seven

Hovering over the Ilupeju militarized estate, the new home for the nation's nuclear reactors, Mohammed awaited his pass.
          The several acres of land that used to be an industrial estate occupied by private industries and government offices had now been fully retaken by the Federal Government, and used to create the continent's most sophisticated nuclear power factory and research institute, controlled directly by army hierarchy, reporting directly to the president.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Flashfiction: Corna - Chapter Six

          Col. Kola Johnson juddered where he sat. He had taken a brief nap and had relived the event at the mercy of a reverend minister in the heart of Kaura. It was as though he was in it, real-time, sweating from the intensity of a war that saw all but him pass away.
          Every doctor he met dismissed what he had seen, the mysteries and the demons that fought his forces to a standstill. They described It as symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder and placed him on intense medications. However, whether he be sleeping or he be awake, the happenings of then reincarnated in the now, purging him of peace and tranquillity. He knew he had a message to deliver. That he was reminded of every instance.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Flashfiction: Corna - Chapter Five

Crackling sounds, as though of rats' disturbance puzzled Mohammed, forcing him to tip toe, activating every single sixth sense and special power he had inherited from the Christ.
          He stepped through the ruins that was his home and started down the stairs, dashing gazes across every available inch of room space.
          There was nothing left of his home. It had been razed to the ground and solid reinforced steel melted as wax. Advancing inwards, he felt the stench of burnt human flesh consume every available oxygen. He was extra sensitive, descending into dark bunkers, ensuring that he isn't taken by surprise.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Reveal Your secrets or break your relationship #beforeyoufallinlove

The use of pronouns for both sexes was done on purpose, as this article addresses both male and female. Enjoy.

The greatest iceberg that can sink any relationship is the lack of trust. The instance a relationship lacks trust, it is at that instance the relationship begins to die. There’s no way the relationship can work. It is the lack of this that is responsible for the record high breakups many suffer; especially super-introverted people coming from troubling relationships where partners took advantage of the trust, selling her private information to the public eye, ridiculing the vulnerable victim and leaving pieces of her heart in the harsh rejection from prospects. Thus the many suicide reports, since a naive girl can’t stand that her nudes are in the public domain, or her sex tape in the hands of some porn company.

Flashfiction: Corna - Chapter Four

Stepping into the open, Mohammed could tell that a lot had changed. He was a prominent Christian leader and was well respected in settlements in and around Kaura. However, he passed invisible.
          This hospital was some five hours away from his home, but for some reason he didn't feel the need to board a vehicle, but rather to trek the entire distance. The strength of immortality waxed in him.

Monday, May 1, 2017

In Love With A Monster #beforeyoufallinlove

So you want to get into that relationship. You have thought thoroughly and hard, have done your findings into his finance and have concluded that he is neither a drunk nor a womaniser, neither a gambler nor a porn addict. You are satisfied with his credit score, both friends and foe call him blessed. You have done your hindsight and over sight, and from all indications there is absolutely nothing wrong with this deal. He is handsome, muscular and frosh on many levels, magical and charming. Just the appearance of him makes you wet. You dream dreams of romance and love making with him, sailing with you to the unknown shores of love. You are sold out. You have chosen a wedding date, selected your bridal train, composed your wedding hymn, selected a minister in a Baptist movement to do the joining. You are ready to say I DO.

How to catch a lying partner #beforeyoufallinlove

In the last issue we revealed the possibility of a man lying in a relationship. It was established that lies, no matter how little is the foundation of a harmful relationship, that a lie happening is an indication of a disaster waiting to happen, and that if he can lie for you, he can lie to you.  However there are some who are in a lying relationship but can’t tell; who want to ascertain if the partner is as rich, connected or powerful as he claims. If that is you, please proceed.

Flashfiction: Corna - Chapter Three

Fading away from empty void, Mohammed slowly saw light shrug his vision, blindingly. He saw himself sink into his body and his spirit compress to mortality. He rolled over on his side and shook painfully in response. He groaned.
          He had been admitted to the general hospital of the Kaura region. He was slowly gaining consciousness. The florescent flickered repeatedly. His vision dimed.
          The room was moderately dressed and occupied with a table, chair and a window that revealed the busy city.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Flashfiction: Corna - Chapter Two

In a state of unconsciousness, Mohammed struggled with his breath. He tried to scream but couldn't. He laid still, entranced, materializing in a darker realm. He watched his remains, sustained by life support.
          He was wrestling against forces both seen and unseen. Every time he tried advancing, he fell and was ran over by a stampede. He shielded with his hands but the stampede crushed against him. He felt his breath cease.
          He screamed but couldn't be heard. He was reliving the torment he had experienced in his home, re-enacting in the spirit all that occurred in the flesh.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

When He's Fake #beforeyoufallinlove

It is said that the heart wants what the heart wants, even that which is harmful for it. True, the heart basks after what it needs, however, what happens when its too naive to decipher that which will lead to its doom? You don't understand? Let's proceed.

Corna - Chapter one

Chapter One
Shattering explosions cracked the fragile night.
          It was some minutes past midnight and the only light that shone was the moon, shelved in still calm that rhymed with the whistle of gentle waves, fluttering flowers and swirling sand. The resonating calm was periodically interrupted by the croaking of frogs and the hiss of flies.
          The ambience of the moon reflected in the stream of blood that flowed across large expanse of land, burying piles of human carcases in graves of stench. It revealed a mix of brightly coloured scraps, remains of destroyed cars and homes, remains of felled trees, burnt from the strikes of missiles and mystical assault.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Flash-fiction: Vengeance

A loud bang echoed through silent night. It was as though an asteroid crashed on mortal earth. I froze, helplessly basking as I watched the evening skies with sparkling stars turn dark blue night to crescent blood. This wasn’t a dream. This was hell materializing in real time.

If He Can Lie For You #beforeyoufallinlove #relationshipTip #love

Trust is too fragile. It's like a very thin glass, slender and frail, a material that can be broken by the faintest wind. Though it be stronger than diamond and tougher than an heinous storm, still, its weaker than very very thin ice and lighter than hydrogen gas.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Be Presidential #JordanBrownsStateoftheUnion

The American tradition that is the transition of power has become a tradition that now is the soul of America, a beacon that shines from the shores of the United States to the darkest corners of the world. Thus, as the election season withered, it became not just the burning desire but the duty of the sitting president, the President Barack Obama, to continue the sacred tradition of ensuring that the next administration take charge of the helm of affairs as at when due. President Obama acted with grace and handed over the baton with class, bowing out to the sacred cult of ex-presidents, one of the most exclusive cults in the word.

How to cope with a jealous boyfriend (Part 2)

In the last edition we dealt with how to cope with a jealous boyfriend. Read here . In that edition we established that a jealous boy...