Sunday, April 9, 2017

Be Presidential #JordanBrownsStateoftheUnion

The American tradition that is the transition of power has become a tradition that now is the soul of America, a beacon that shines from the shores of the United States to the darkest corners of the world. Thus, as the election season withered, it became not just the burning desire but the duty of the sitting president, the President Barack Obama, to continue the sacred tradition of ensuring that the next administration take charge of the helm of affairs as at when due. President Obama acted with grace and handed over the baton with class, bowing out to the sacred cult of ex-presidents, one of the most exclusive cults in the word.

He fought his fight, he finished his race and he preserved our faith, a faith in the established doctrine of the United States democracy, that regardless of how much rage you have for the man that will inherit your position as the most powerful man in the world, that you assist and aide and guide and shield him till it is his responsibility to lead the country and the world. President Barack Obama acted his part.

I don’t support his every belief. I am conservative and I will not sell my values for a plate of portage. However, I must also recognize the class, pride, humility and humanity exhumed through the carriage, conduct and person of President Barack Obama while he stayed in the oval office.

The pages have turned. Though the media polls voted Hillary Clinton, the American people moved in the very opposite. Business Mogul Trump who represents the conservative movement went to the polls, against the establishment, against internal hindrances that erupted in the GOP, against the organized machinery of the opposition parties and the coordinated efforts of the then government of the United States, and won. He didn’t win by the greatest margin in the history of anything, neither did he disrupt any major order. However this victory proved that if one is willing to work hard and not quit and not surrender, that if he is willing to have a dream and sweat and bleed and look beyond the backlash and the outburst, and struggle to stay above water, that he can write in the hard eternal grounds of what is the American story, a lineage of him that will never be forgotten.

Donald Trump finally accomplished what only a few will be remembered for, a billionaire business man, a native of New York and president of the United States. Donald Trump, a royal priesthood, born to wealth, is now crowned king of kings on the mortal earth. A victory for the conservative party.

But the party is over and the confetti is gone. The poetry has stopped and the prose must begin. It however is important to note that the American people, whether conservative or liberal, whether somewhere in between or a mix of both extremes, that we the American people voted for class and for leadership and for result. We didn’t vote for the blame game that seems to have started with this administration. The American people expect this administration to live up to expectation, after all, it made more promises in the campaign season than any conservative candidate in recent times.
Why blame the bad on the former administration and claim every good report that materialize from the same media you have crowned fake news? The American people expect maturity and grace, not a twitter burst without evidence or credible source. The American people expect maturity and thick skin to critics, not an immediate backlash that downgrades the sacred institution that is the presidency of the United States.

In case you do not know why we have the most powerful democratic institution in the world, let me explain. We do because our founding fathers understand that an administration’s success, ideology or result might have deviated from the soul of the American democracy and the heart of the general public; that it is the duty of that same American public to restore the balance and direction of the American leadership to a pedestal that favours the American dream and essence of existence. Should after four years that the administration supported interests that harmed the American worth, it becomes the responsibility of the American voting public to Make America Great Again, by voting to endorse the candidate or its ideology in another person, or disrupt the course of the reigning government for a fresh start in another ideology, completely different from what occupied the oval office.

We are Americans and we know our place in the world. It is because we feel we have fallen from that height that we voted for a change we can believe in, a change that can thrive and a change that can let righteousness flow like a mighty stream. However, this is not the change we need. This is the opposite of the eight years of the Obama presidency; the opposite of eight years of grace and style, of class and swag, of leadership and maturity, and of eminence, humility and respect. Though he failed in some of his policies, he at least made the American people have a leader to look up to. I might have said he was more of a celebrity than a strong leader, now I know why we need the lion and the lamb.

Who do we have here?

When the American people went to the polls and elected this president of the United States, what we sought is a president who will accept responsibilities, stick to his promises, be presidential, ignore distractions and do whatever it is within his power to get things done, get this nation in better shape than it ever was since the signing of the declaration of independence. This is what we voted for, but that has not been the case.

So far we have had a president that seems to have surrounded himself with individuals that lack the credibility to lead. Flynn down. He claimed to know the best people and maybe the brightest people to ever hold positions he nominated them for. However, didn’t Governor Rick suggest that the Energy department should be scrapped, and Jeff sessions and Rex Tillerson have interactions with a known enemy of the United States?

We need a president that is tough but gracious, determined but kind, matured and humane, considerate but firm. We can’t have a president that wants to follow after making this country great again but assume that the diversity of races and creeds isn’t what has brought this country this far. If the opposition has simmered into baseless accusations, which I don’t know of, is that guarantee for you to discard thoughtfulness, maturity and focus for the pettiness that should describe the helplessness of those out of power?

You are the president, and scampering in the arenas of conspiracy shouldn’t be your way. You are the most powerful man in the world, the information are at your disposal, and a single phone call should have avoided the backlash that you currently suffer in the media or the intelligence community. No where on earth does the sitting president sponsor conspiracy. I used to think conspiracy and speculations was for those who weren’t in the know, however, how do you explain Trump’s accusations on Obama and the condemnation he is suffering from members of the intelligence community, with the director of the FBI calling for the justice department’s outright denial and rejection of an investigation request?

When President Barack Obama left the oval office, this country was in very good shape. We probably were losing jobs to Mexico, Canada and the rest of the world, but compared to where we were when President Bush was at the helm of affairs, I think we have covered a lot of grounds. I think President Obama turned waster to wine, turned mud to gold, turned rock to diamond and made this United States of America more respected around the world, not without incidents. You inherited an economy in very good shape and must be grateful for what spot you can shoot from. I applaud the courage, sacrifice and leadership of the gentle man you have so blindly accused of criminal acts. Because of the brave decisions that his administration took and the policies put in place, the state of our union is strong.

The current jobs report suggest that you have brought to the tables the ability to lead and do more for the American nation than the past president ever accomplished in any single month of his eight year administration. However, you must lead with grace and understanding and courage and fortitude and understand that the jobs report is just one card of all the pack of cards, and to avoid the scene of the crash of the pack of cards, you must leave the candidate and be the president. You must lead with maturity and throw some of your policies out of the window. You must strategise and follow up on your meetings with the private sector and deliver not as a candidate but as the president of the United States.

You must ignore the temptation to sack the Whitehouse staff that gave the media the impression that this latest jobs report wasn’t a product of your sweat. You should rather get more heat in the kitchen and over work the men who have it within their power to create more jobs. If you can get the feds into Chicago, then do. If you can heal the sick and raise the dead and let righteousness flow like a mighty stream. Please do. Take governance to the next level, fulfill your promise to bring jobs and education and prosperity to the inner cities. Prove that you can not only talk the talk, but work the work. Begin an intense and workable implementation of your policies. Task every parastatal with every iota of motivation so that in the coming months we can have a more impressive and ground breaking jobs report.

We can build a better country, make America great again and ensure that regardless of what the state of the world may suggest, that the state of our union is strong. The state of our Union is strong, however it is up to you to keep it that way.


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