Monday, May 15, 2017

Donald Trump Will Take back America

The story of America is a story of truth and persistence, a story of a proud democratic legacy founded on the true definition of freedom, liberty and the conservative spirit of righteousness. As a nation we have sojourned long and hard through wilderness lands. We have refused to quit on the ideals that made us a nation, but through careful thinking and logical reasoning, through the strong and mighty arm of a great God, we worked long and hard in the scorching heat of the sun, and bled in the vast boarder-less fields of battle, even to the days of the signing of the declaration of independence and the days of the revolutionary war that will happen afterwards.

We sailed away, dissociated ourselves from the crown or any imperial majesty, settled in this United States, a land flowing with milk and honey and declared this land one nation under God. It is because of our firm belief in liberty, justice and domestic tranquility that we stand today as the most prosperous nation on the face of the earth. We moved from slave to free born by the sacrifice of battles, sweat, blood, death and God. These values, by divine providence has kept us a nation till this day. How dare liberals rubbish this truth?

The liberals like to state that we as a nation were founded on the premise that all faiths deserve equal rights and status, that in no other nation on earth is a certain faith regarded holy and another deemed cursed. However they excuse Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Iran and other nations where attacks on Christians is on the increase, where the established government of the day support the killing of innocents, where instead of these forces to pursue, prosecute and execute the guilty of murder and genocide, they find, negotiate and financially compensate murderers and enemies of the cross. They claim that when we speak tough about the faith of Islam, that we do the work of the enemy, endanger the national security of our country and the collective interest of our allies. Still, they excuse the fact that the ISIS never needed an American political party in their ranks before killing Christians and the minorities of Syria and Northern Nigeria. This same people have constantly refused to use the words radical Islam on the very element that destabilized an entire region and caused havoc across the globe. They instead seek to pardon criminals and create a path to citizenship for infidels and sons of terrorists, many of whom enter the new world only to steal, kill and destroy.

When our founding fathers gathered to create this nation, they did it on the premise that this nation would be a safe haven for people who seek freedom and protection from a tyrant lord and philosopher king. They longed for a system where the leadership was not born from a dynasty of selected individuals. They wanted a more representative system, a more perfect union, where the weak will be heard and the strong can be tamed. It is that wisdom that created the Electoral college, an institution that lets every voice be heard and every vote count. It is an institution that ensures that small states have a say and is the reason why we have a conservative president in the person of Donald J Trump. Nationalism wins today.

Many have claimed that he is not presidential and that he will destroy the United States and completely annihilate the world. I laugh. Ignorance at the gallery.

This truth be established, liberals fear a strong leader. They fear a dynamic and intelligent powerhouse, one who will not be questioned by the infidels, one who will not bow to the enemy or seek to negotiate in the face of an advancing army. Donald Trump has over and over again represented the values of the conservative party, related to issues that affect the middle class, consistently said no to the insiders, the filthy swamp, the demonic lobbyists and the cult of American luciferians constantly damaging the American dream for selfish interest. Once he takes the oath, he will work harder on making America great again. No wonder on November 8th Jesus voted Trump.

Many will like to shine the light of the biased and dishonest media on what they have wickedly termed the “inconsistencies” of the president elect, but fail to point out the slightest good about the gentleman. The liberals never give room for common sense reasoning, but led by the authority of a sitting president, they subject the liberties of this country to the ideology that a foreign faith must be respected above that of our founding fathers’. How irresponsible of them. They have put political correctness ahead of logical reasoning, patriotic reasoning, Christian reasoning, Our founding fathers’ reasoning, and the American reasoning. They have opened America to vulnerability. Like Solomon, they have knelt us to bow to foreign gods and like Samson we suffer the blindness of the pain of an impending death. They have plucked our hair, our conservative values, the source of our strength. This is wrong and must be stopped.

America we must now be the incarnate of what our founding fathers by divine providence created us to be. We must stay true to the ideals of the country and must fend first for our brothers before we look at admitting they that seek a future here. We must stick to the doctrine of the president elect by ensuring that the people of the sword be aligned to the ideals of this country or be never given a path to citizenship. We must only admit those who will respect the faith of the republic and not endanger locals who with love and by the teaching of the bible have accepted strangers into the homeland.

America, we must not fail in our responsibilities of healing this country and curing it of the divide that threatens its soul. We must retrace our steps and restore this country to the Everest of conservative righteousness. America remember that we are the light of the world and the salt of the earth, thus we must stand for these truths, we must hold them to be self evidence, even when the world sinks into the false doctrine of accepting the devil and praying to his faith.

Come noon of January 20, 2017, we will have a child of God take the oath of office. He will run the country on the tenets of conservative doctrine. He will reverse every evil law that this present dispensation has materialized before the righteous majesty of his Christ. Together we will fight the infidels in their land and take back our country. We will make America great again, we will drain the swamp, we will build the wall, we will deport wickedness and repeal sin. Merry Christmas America.

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