Saturday, May 13, 2017

Signs this boyfriend will kill you

There has been a sharp increase in the number of girls killed by jealous partners, particularly jealous boyfriends. So many girls who should have had a very promising future, who should have gone on to become women of substance, attaining heights that should have lifted entire generations out of poverty; these have been slaughtered because of the selfish and insecure nature of a boyfriend. When you date a man who is so jealous he’d rather have you covered from head to toe, just because he can’t stand another man complimenting you, know for sure that you are a sheep taken to the slaughter, to be taken six feet underground, and wasted in your prime.

The truth is that many see the warning signs but choose not to acknowledge them. Many who don’t even know the warning signs, dismiss these manifesting characters, assuming that these are mere negligible characters that anyone who is tensed or pissed exhibit. How false? The most telling and important signs of a killer are the most stealth and most negligible characteristics and behavioural patterns we ignore. I list some of them in this article, and hopefully if you see them manifest be sure that he is most likely a killer boyfriend waiting to take you out.

1. Hot Tempered:
If after dating him for a while you realize that he is very hot tempered, always losing his cool at the slightest mistake you make, always raising his voice when he is not happy with something you have done or something you didn’t do, be warned, this is a very troubling sign that you are in love with a monster who might kill you whenever he is angry. This alone does not support the claim, but if he is fast to anger and will show it at the slightest provocation, be careful.

2. Violent:
If he is the violent type, and always or most often than normal resolve to violent means to settle matters, know for sure that he is a killer and will most definitely beat you up if he is either not in a good mood or is angered by something you said or did. If you notice that he gets offended easily and gets physical when he is not in a good mood, be certain that if you date him he will at some points be offended, not just by the things you said or did, but maybe by the situations around him, which might force him to transfer the aggression on you, and probably kill you. Be careful of violent men. If you must date them, carry people along.

3. Family Members Tremble Before Him:
If you notice that his family members are not usually free with him; if you notice that they tremble before him, that they always rehearse their lines before they appear before him, that they always take a while before going before him, that they love to be outside the house or away from him, that they need to muster every iota of courage just to appear before him, that they are not usually free when they appear before him, like their actions are choreographed. If you notice any of these be certain he might kill you when you end up been in a relationship with him. You must realize that even if he is extra nice to you, extra generous to you, that there are things his family knows about him that you might never know till you either get into a relationship with him or get married to him. The reason why you must ask the tough questions and do your own research about him is to know who he is and what his background is.

4. Seen Him Slap His Mother Or Sisters:
If you have seen him slap or physically assault his sisters, brothers or mother, be sure that he can assault you. Because if he can assault his family members, people who are closest to him, who are you? You are too little compared to these people. Before you invest emotionally and find it difficult to quit, check out for this trait and quit now. If he can beat you when he is angry, he can kill you when he is mad.

5. Separated or Divorced Parents Together:
Research has it that a guy tends to be more abusive when raised by a single parent. According to a research by a US agency at a child who is raised by a single parent is more likely to experience abuse, thus preparing him to be violent as a defence to the abuse he or she has experienced coming up. This alone does not imply that he will be an abusive and violent boyfriend when he eventually gets married or involved with a partner. This is an indication that he stands a far greater chance than others to be a jealous boyfriend and a girlfriend killer.

6. Acts Before He Thinks:
This is something that happens when men are angry. However not just in anger do men show this tendency, some who are loose and immature exhibit this as a way of life; beware of this. If he notices that something suddenly happens, instead of him to take out time to consider his options, he’d act blindly, violently and swiftly, before thinking. If this happens know for sure that he will beat you up when you do something wrong, before thinking about what you did and if it warrants such level of punishment. Know that when you annoy him, his first point of action might be irritating, but would have happened before he thinks through to know how right or justifiable his actions are.

7. Abusive Background:
If he comes from an abusive background, where his father constantly beats his mother, where his brothers are usually fighting and injuring each other, where his neighbourhood is constantly riddled with battles between gangs, or cults or club fans, where police men are usually hostile to community members, where there is always a shootout and there is nothing wrong with anyone holding a gun, whether concealed carry or open carry, be certain that if he is from this background he has a near perfect tendency of being a killer. Watch out for this sign, it’s one of the most deadly indictor that he is a jealous boyfriend and that he will go to any length when his wrath is kindled but a little.

8. His Friends:
The proverb that says “show me your friend and I will tell you who you are,” is a foundational principle and helper for you to understand what your partner or future partner is capable of doing. If he rolls with drug addicts, then he most likely will be a drug addict. If he rolls with armed robbers, then he most likely will be an armed robber, if he rolls with killers, who are violent and abusive, who beat their wife and assault the vulnerable, be certain that if you get into a relationship with him, he will assault you and most likely kill you. Be careful if he exhibits these signs.

9. Police Records:
This might be hard, but there are communities and states where the police conviction and records of members of public arrested and put in cell are made public. If you belong to places like this and if he lives in an area like this, do your research, check the police database to be sure he hasn’t been arrested. If he has been arrested, check to be sure of what crimes he committed, if he was found guilty, if he was framed up, if he was convicted and if he is out on parole. It is very telling if he has had a police case. Note also that the content of the charge could be another important pointer to whether you can go on with that relationship or not. For instance if he was arrested as a result of his assaulting or killing someone or even been an accessory to the killing of someone, be certain that if he has done it before if can do it again. Save your life and run away from him.

10. Prison Records:
Most correctional facilitates do little to correct individuals, especially when they were put at maximum prison. I’m not saying these facilities are bad and should be put out, I’m only implying that if he was put in a prison where there have been an abundance of violence, like a maximum prison where killings and gay rape and gay sex prevail, be sure that his coming out of prison will most likely put him in a super offensive position, more violent than he was. He’ll  be more than capable of killing. Also note that the fact he was put in a maximum prison is indicative of how dangerous he is and what deadly thing he is capable of doing. If you have fallen deeply in love with him and can’t go back on him, please carry a counsellor and psychologist along with you in this relationship.

11. The Books He Reads:
These are silent killers. They don’t argue or laugh or socialize. They don’t even use abusive words, they smile and are kind, but are killers; the deadliest there is, since you can’t track their actions or next moves. They are the silent demons. Before you fall in love with folks like this, of folks with the tendencies to be this, do some work on him, check the book he reads, do some research on the authors he follows. Most men get to become trained killers by reading psychologically arousing books, materials that teach them to be violent and trains them on how to carry out discrete, cult like, demonic murders. Be certain this is not him. If it’s him, you are in trouble. Run away as far as possible.

12. The Games He Plays:
For instance a new game was put in the market, known under different names, but most popularly referred to as blue whale. This game incites violence, makes you wanna kill someone in real life for a score credited to you in the virtual world. Be careful of these signs. If you see this be sure that you are either on your way out of that relationship or you both are seeking help in that relationship.

13. His language:
The use of abusive words in itself does not imply that he is a killer. If he constantly uses abusive words, it implies that he has been exposed to an environment that enables him to act violently and kill if offended to the point of he been angry. This situation can be managed. If you find yourself in this situation or want to date a man with this habit please carry a professional counsellor along. However this alone is not enough evidence to suggest that he is or will end up been a killer.

14. His Music Playlist:
The music he listens to can also tell if he will end up killing you in a fit of rage. If you date a man who always listens to music where fighting or shooting goes on underground, where strong language is been used, where killing is promoted, where the flow and intensity of the music depicts scenes of anger and killings and deaths to promote authority and power to slaughter anything and anyone in his crosshairs, know for sure that this man has psychologically been trained to destroy like a beast. If this is him be sure that if worse comes to worst he will kill you, because he has been influenced by the music, music where gun shots are heard popping sporadically. This alone is no evidence that he is a killer, after all many musicians or music lover trading in this genre has never killed a soul. However because of the content of the music, the beats associated with the music and the background of the people involved, this can’t be excused.

15. His Mentors:
A mentor is an experienced and trusted adviser, a person you want to be like; a person you want to pattern your life after. If the person he holds as mentor is violent, has violent or extremist views, or maybe has killed sometime in his life time and does not regret it, be warned, he too has violent and extremist views. He too, even if he has not killed, will at some point in the future kill out of justifiable annoyance, and that victim might be you.

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How to cope with a jealous boyfriend (Part 2)

In the last edition we dealt with how to cope with a jealous boyfriend. Read here . In that edition we established that a jealous boy...